Living with chronic pain can be debilitating and demoralizing. Every action becomes an arduous chore because the pain is wearing you out. Depending on the type of pain you have, your doctor may prescribe pain killers and recommend other activities to relieve your pain.
For example, if you have chronic back pain, you may need to consume medication and go for physiotherapy. Massage and stretching may be recommended too. It all depends on the individual and the pain they’re enduring.
That said, using holistic methods to treat your pain can work wonders too. These techniques will be especially helpful for those who experience side effects from consuming pain killers.
Furthermore, while medication treats the symptoms, it usually doesn’t address the root cause. The natural pain relief methods will work with your body and may even treat the cause of your problem.
So from our earlier example, your chronic back pain may be caused by tight hamstring muscles or poor posture. Stretching 2-3 times a day (20 minutes each session) and using a support pillow (with memory foam) may alleviate your back pain and cure you permanently, rather than taking Advil or Tylenol daily.
Now let’s look at 6 ways to naturally treat your pain…
1. Curcumin supplements

Most pain in the body is either caused by inflammation or exacerbated by it. Reducing your inflammation is one of the fastest ways to reduce your pain – and curcumin is an excellent anti-inflammatory.
This natural compound which is found in turmeric has been used by Indians for years and is only now gaining popularity in the West. You can find curcumin supplements in most reputable health stores. Do try it out.
2. Get enough magnesium
In an article by CNN, magnesium deficiency was mentioned as a cause for a myriad of health problems ranging from fatigue to impaired nerve function.
Consuming foods rich in magnesium such as almonds, avocados, cashews, and pumpkin seeds will help your body get the magnesium it needs.
Eating magnesium-rich foods is better than taking a magnesium supplement, so you’ll want to ensure that these foods are a part of your diet.

When your body has sufficient magnesium, it’ll be less likely to experience cramps, twitches, and you’ll discover that your pain abates quite a bit.
3. Heat and cold therapy

It may seem strange that both types of therapy can be used to treat pain – and yet they work.
What’s important is that you understand how each therapy works. This will allow you to use the right one to treat your pain.
When you wake up in the morning, your body will generally be stiff and ache more. In situations like these, using heat therapy will warm up your muscles and make them more pliant and limber.
The increased blood flow and flood of nutrients to the affected area will ease the pain and stiffness. This is a very helpful method for treating pain caused by arthritis, rheumatism, or tight muscles.
So what’s cold therapy for?
Cold therapy is used for acute pain that could be a result of a sprain, swelling, bruise, etc. Generally, one will either use frozen gel packs or ice water on the affected area to reduce the swelling and inflammation.
Since the cold will lower the skin temperature and temporarily ‘numb’ the nerves, you’ll experience relatively quick pain relief.
Do note that too much cold treatment for long periods can do more damage than good. So limit your cold treatments to 10-15 minutes in duration.
4. Light exercise
There’s a common misconception that when you’re in pain, you need to rest completely. Nothing could be further from the truth.
If you visited a hospital, you’d notice that people who have been injured in car accidents or other traumatic events, will attend physiotherapy where they slowly move their joints to keep them functional. They may also walk gingerly with assistance from a nurse.

They’re not resting 24/7 on a bed, are they? No. They’re staying active. Physiotherapy is just a fancy word for light exercise. The patients are moving their joints and working their muscles to speed up the healing process.
Similarly, you’ll want to do gentle exercises such as yoga, light stretching, Pilates and slow walking to help improve your blood circulation and mobility. Speak to your doctor first and see what exercises you’re allowed to do. Then do them regularly and maintain your health.
Not only will you get healthier and more flexible, but your pain management will be better. Like Joseph Pilates said, “If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old; if it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.”
5. Use ginger in your cooking

Just like curcumin, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. Add a few thin slices to your soup or when cooking rice. Alternatively, you may consume ginger tea which is just as good.
Ginger does have a strong flavor, so you may need some time to acquire the taste for it – but it will be worth it.
6. Try aromatherapy
This is one of those treatments that’s hit or miss. While it works well for many people, it has almost no effect on others – but since we’re all different individuals, this is understandable. The only way you’ll know if aromatherapy works for you will be to give it a try.

Usually, this means rubbing essential oils such as lavender, wintergreen, rose or eucalyptus on the affected area. Do remember that you’ll need to dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or olive oil before you massage it into your skin.
Some people may prefer to use a diffuser and breathe in the aroma rather than using the oil on their skin.
Once again, it’s a matter of personal preference. Do what works for you.
Summing up…
So overall while natural remedies may take longer to reduce the pain than a pill or tablet, they can be just as effective in the long run. You can use these natural methods even if you’re on medication – they’re not mutually exclusive.
So give them a try, and while they may not work for everyone, chances are high that at least one of the tips above will help to relieve your pain. You’ll only know if you use them. Start today and manage your pain naturally without relying only on prescription medication. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.